Flutter 3.24 and Dart 3.5 are here. Read the blog

Build more with Flutter

Flutter transforms the app development process so you can ship more, faster. Deploy to six targets from a single codebase.

Enhanced productivity

Ship features faster with less code while targeting Android, iOS, web, Windows, macOS, and Linux in a single codebase.

Native performance

Flutter compiles down to native machine code for fast apps and beautiful animations.

Always open source

Trusted by a global community of contributors and supported by Google, Flutter is open, transparent, and reliable.


Build production-quality apps (and have fun doing it)

Stateful hot reload

Hot reload is built into the Flutter framework to help you iterate quickly and see your changes on the screen in seconds, without losing your place.

Custom widgets

Create without compromise using hundreds of pre-made or custom visual, layout, platform, and interactive widgets in the SDK.

Adaptive design

Flutter makes it easy to implement adaptive and responsive designs so your apps look beautiful on every screen you’re targeting.

IDE support

Build Flutter apps with your favorite editors like VSCode or Android Studio with plugins to enhance your workflow and integrated dev tooling.

Open Source Ecosystem

Join a vast open source ecosystem


Pub.dev is the official package manager for Flutter and Dart packages. Browse thousands of open source packages and plugins and get insights into package quality and popularity.

Flutter repo

Dive into the Flutter source code and get up to speed with well-documented, declarative code. There's never any mystery with open source — the source for Flutter is right there in front of you. View the latest updates, ask questions, open issues, and vote on proposals.

Dev Tools


Build confidently with a full suite of performance and debugging tools, including widget and layout inspectors, network and memory profilers, and more.


Extensive Flutter docs

Find documentation for everything Flutter - from interactive examples and tutorials, to building and deploying your first Flutter app.


Build GenAI experiences

Build your own generative AI-based features into Dart and Flutter apps with leading AI models and APIs.


Write productive code with Dart, the language that powers Flutter

Get packages

Developer Stories

See what others are building

Xiaomi (Flutter Developer Stories)

Take a look at how and why a small team at a Chinese technology company, Xiaomi, used Flutter to develop a companion app for the firm’s popular new...

How Universal Destinations & Experiences build next generation experiences with #Flutter

Flutter gives you the capabilities to create seamless app experiences for your users. Hear how the developers at Universal Destinations & Experiences...

Learning Journey

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Learn everything you need to become a Flutter developer or take your skills to the next level with our learning journeys.


Create together

Use world-class packages, tooling, and integrations created and supported by contributors all over the world.

Get started

Instant access to the power of the Flutter framework

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